The United States Patent & Trademark Office website has a substantial amount of free information, geared towards non-lawyers. For example, view the concise explanation of trademark similarity here.
Take heart however, all is not lost if your business name is already taken. At HLR, we pride ourselves on not only providing you sound legal services, we also care about helping your business succeed. We're happy to brainstorm alternatives with you if you come up against a roadblock.
Some things just can't be protected by IP laws. For example, copyrights don't protect recipes, no matter how unique. Likewise, many catchy slogans are not protectable by trademark laws because they are too descriptive. Patents are notoriously challenging and expensive to get. We're happy to give you a free initial consultation to answer questions about your business.
Take heart however, all is not lost if your business name is already taken. At HLR, we pride ourselves on not only providing you sound legal services, we also care about helping your business succeed. We're happy to brainstorm alternatives with you if you come up against a roadblock.
Some things just can't be protected by IP laws. For example, copyrights don't protect recipes, no matter how unique. Likewise, many catchy slogans are not protectable by trademark laws because they are too descriptive. Patents are notoriously challenging and expensive to get. We're happy to give you a free initial consultation to answer questions about your business.