Sometimes, you just have to START. Whether it's your blog, your business, your career change, or your day, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step.
As often as some of my clients (or their predecessors in interest) may have plunged headlong into something they may not have been prepared for, I much more often find myself encouraging action rather than discouraging it. There is a fine balance between testing the waters and waiting until everything is perfect before taking a dip.
"Perfect" doesn't happen. Ever. You will look back on the first days and years of your startup and cringe. You will consider writing a book about how one epic, poor, pivotal decision blew up a good deal, or how you didn't listen to your gut, or how you DID and your gut let you down. You might even fail. And you will learn. You will survive. You will try again, or change directions entirely.
It's OK.
I can't promise you that trying is enough to succeed. In fact, no one can guarantee you anything; not a business partner, not a venture capitalist, not a federal regulator interviewing you about how your business model might not follow the rules, nobody. But just as clearly, life is finite. We get so many breaths here on earth to use as we choose, and today is your day.
What are you waiting for?
As often as some of my clients (or their predecessors in interest) may have plunged headlong into something they may not have been prepared for, I much more often find myself encouraging action rather than discouraging it. There is a fine balance between testing the waters and waiting until everything is perfect before taking a dip.
"Perfect" doesn't happen. Ever. You will look back on the first days and years of your startup and cringe. You will consider writing a book about how one epic, poor, pivotal decision blew up a good deal, or how you didn't listen to your gut, or how you DID and your gut let you down. You might even fail. And you will learn. You will survive. You will try again, or change directions entirely.
It's OK.
I can't promise you that trying is enough to succeed. In fact, no one can guarantee you anything; not a business partner, not a venture capitalist, not a federal regulator interviewing you about how your business model might not follow the rules, nobody. But just as clearly, life is finite. We get so many breaths here on earth to use as we choose, and today is your day.
What are you waiting for?